Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
The Journey of Faith begins with your questions.
What is faith? What is prayer?
What do Catholics believe? What is the Catholic way of living?
Our OCIA program (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is individualized:
- You may enter the program at any time.
- You begin with a no-obligation inquiry session.
- You proceed through the program at your own pace
To begin the process, please fill out our inquiry form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

Do you have a child, over the age of 7, that was never Baptized?
OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children) is a program designed just for that situation. This program is less intensive than OCIA and will work with the child(ren) and families on an individual basis to prepare the child(ren) for full initiation into the Catholic Church. Because the age of reason is reached at the age of 7, the Church offers OCIC as a program to prepare children (ages 7-17) for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Why all three of those Sacraments? Can’t we just do a Baptism?
Because your child has reached the age of reason, they are able to fully comprehend the grace received in the Sacraments of Initiation. All three Sacraments will be administered at the East Vigil each year, for those that have gone through the year-long program. Since you will be receiving all three Sacraments, there will not be a need to register for the Confirmation Prep program when your child(ren) reaches high school.
Our OCIC program (Order of Christian Initiation of Children) is individualized:
- You may enter the program at any time.
- You begin with a no-obligation inquiry session.
- You proceed through the program at your own pace
To begin the process, please fill out our inquiry form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you.
Mandy Wingate:
[email protected]