Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain consists of about 14 people, most of them SIJ parishioners, who pray for the intentions of others. The chain starts when someone calls or emails a prayer request. The coordinator then passes that request onto other members of the chain, and they pass it along to others, and so on, until every member of the chain has received the request. Members pray regularly for the request until it is withdrawn. The intentions may be for help in a job search, the needs of family members, help during periods of illness, etc. The prayer chain members communicate by email and phone; no meetings are needed. Members pray for the intentions in the manner that best suits them, at times that are convenient for them. New members are welcome at any time.
If you have a prayer request or would like to pray for the needs of our parish, please get in touch with the coordinator.
Debbie Glassman: [email protected]
(410) 665-1468
Respect Life
Mary Ann Nietubicz
[email protected]
The Sodality is a women’s group whose purpose is to honor the Blessed Mother. They gather monthly to attend Mass and pray the rosary together. Members also pray the rosary regularly on their own. The Sodality sponsors the Marian Devotions during May and October (Tuesdays, 7 PM in the Seton Chapel) and the Crowning of the Blessed Mother each May in the church. They donate to various organizations including our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Haiti Sister Parish, and Bibles for the Blind. Twice a year they meet at a local restaurant for lunch.
Membership is $10 per year. New members are always welcome. Interested women are invited to attend the 9:00 AM Mass and the meeting afterward on the second Tuesday of the month.
The Parish Office
(410) 661-4888
Special Friends of SIJ
This is a group of early adolescents through young adults with special needs who come together once a month September to May. The group learns through activities about our faith and the traditions of the Church. Leaders also help to prepare those who would like to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Included in the schedule is time for fun social events. Any young adult with special needs is welcome to join. For younger children with special needs call the Faith Formation Office (410-665-2561) so we can help meet the spiritual needs of these children.
Jeannette Hudak
(410) 529-1932
[email protected]
Small Groups

During the pandemic, we began to offer small groups for different groups of parishioners. These groups meet throughout the week and discuss different topics and reflections based on the coming week’s readings.
Reflection Questions for the Week:
Gospel Reading
Mark 9:2-10
Jesus is transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John
The Gospel starts with the men walking up a high mountain.
Do we often have to “walk up a high mountain” to meet Jesus?
Is it hard for us to always pray or to invite Jesus into our everyday life?
Do we keep Him a mountain apart from us?
When Jesus transfigured Moses and Elijah appeared. Peter said, “ it is good to be here.” I think that is a glimpse into heaven. It is going to be good to be there! We should take our time on earth to prepare our hearts for Jesus.
What mountains are in between you and heaven?
Where do you need your heart to move to come in line with Christ’s teachings?
This transfiguration is a preview of His resurrection. It seems that God is always giving us hints as to what is to come. Pay attention in your life when you feel your heart move towards something. That may be God giving you a nudge or wink.
Why would He tell them to not tell anyone?
Where they ready to proclaim Jesus’ mission?
Are we ready to share what Jesus did for us?
Can we explain in conversation the saving grace that we all received?
Jessica Schlee – 410-661-4888
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life is a campaign to end abortion. Volunteers sign up for an hour to peacefully stand on the corner and pray for an end of abortion.
Vigil location: sidewalk in front of the Beltway Plaza, 7600 Belair Rd.
Vigil hours: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, 7 days a week
When: March 1 through April 9
We are also in need of people to agree to set aside an hour a week to pray from home. This is perfect for those whose schedule doesn’t allow you to participate, or are a bit uncomfortable with standing on the corner this year. For more information on prayers for each day of the 40 Days, please follow this link.
John and Maryann Nietubicz: [email protected]
Local 40 Days Website