
Volunteer Opportunities

All Catechists and Assistants are volunteers….

  • who have the time and ability to prepare and present sessions; communicate with children and adolescents, and develop a rapport with them.
  • who are ordinary people, busy with families and jobs (most are not professional teachers).
  • whose ordinary qualities are transformed into extraordinary ones through their openness to the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives and ministry.

Catechists are encouraged to patricipate in catechist formation sessions, offered in a combination of classroom and on-line sessions. They usually give two hours per week to preparing and presenting a session. Materials and supportive assistance are provided by the parish.

Opportunities to assist in our Faith Formation program:

  1. Catechist: a fully initiated, practicing Catholic, age 18 or older, who is the primary leader for a group of children or youth in weekly Faith Formation sessions.
  2. Assistant: a youth or adult who regularly assists the catechist in fulfilling their role.
  3. Office Assistant: an adult who answers the phone, records attendance and assists with other office duties as needed.

If your talents include music (singing or playing an instrument), drama, art, crafts, story-telling, etc. you could also assist in a variety of ways at specific times during the year.

Adult ChoirPaul Binko[email protected]410-661-4888
ext. 1007
Altar AssistantConnie Nittinger[email protected]
Baptism PrepAmy Whitlock[email protected]410-661-4888 X1002
Boy ScoutsMike Huneke[email protected]410-665-2561
CantorMary Kay Binder[email protected]410-661-4888
Children’s ChoirPaul Binko[email protected]410-661-4888
ext. 1007
CLOW (Childrens Liturgy of the Word)Mandy Wingate[email protected]
Confirmation CatechistChrista Walsh[email protected]410-661-4888 X 1011
Cub ScoutsTBD
Eucharistic MinisterRobin Norcross[email protected]410-665-6673
Enlightened (Youth) BandPaul Binko[email protected]410-661-4888 x 1007
Faith Formation
Catechist/Assistant/Substitute/Office Assistant
Jessica Schlee[email protected]410-661-4888
Small GroupsJessica Schlee[email protected]410-661-4888
Finance CommitteeRick Balog[email protected]410-661-4888 X 1003
Handbell ChoirPaul Binko[email protected]410-661-4888
ext. 1007
Haiti CommitteeSean Hackett[email protected]410-668-8309
LectorTanya Lurz[email protected]410-668-3686
Money CounterRick Balog[email protected]410-661-4888 X 1003
Outreach DriverJanice Bures[email protected]410-661-4888
Pastor’s CouncilRick Balog[email protected]410-661-4888
ext. 1003
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)Jon Gerstmyer[email protected]410-665-2561
ext. 1011
Reign Down (contemporary) BandChris Montcalmo[email protected]410-661-4888
St. Vincent de Paul Food PantryIrma Haack[email protected]410-668-6534
UshersTerry Strobel[email protected]443-905-4353
Vacation Bible School VolunteersMandy Wingate[email protected]
Youth Ministry Peer MinisterChrista Walsh [email protected]410-661-4888 X 1011
Liturgy CommitteeTeri Strobel
St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church